What to expect
What are MRIs Used For?
Doctors use MRIs to gather essential information
about your body’s internal organs and skeletal system, including your joints, spine, and
brain. Then, they use the images to see if injuries or abnormalities are associated with your
ligaments, nerves, bones, muscles, and other tissues.
Typical Duration of an
Scans take anywhere from 15 minutes to 30min, depending on the complexity
of the exam.
How to Prepare for Your MRI
There isn’t
much preparation required for an MRI scan. Unless instructed otherwise, you take your daily
medicines as you usually would. There could be some dietary restrictions for an MRI, but your
healthcare provider will notify you of these requirements before your exam. Guidelines about
drinking and eating before the MRI exam vary based on the exam itself.
Most MRI scan
preparation suggestions will include:
Getting to your appointment at least 30 minutes
before your exam to check-in and fill out the MRI screening form
Putting on medical scrubs
or a hospital gown
Getting an IV line placed, if the exam requires MRI contrast, the nurse
will insert an IV catheter
Leave jewelry and accessories home if possible, or remove them
before your MRI scan.
Let the Technologist Know of Medical
When you schedule your appointment, let the technologist and staff
know if you have any metallic implants within your body. You may also require special
preparations for certain conditions, such as preparation for MRI of the Abdomen & Prostate.
What Happens During An MRI?
1. Sounds: You’ll hear loud thumping,
knocking, and tapping sounds from the machine. These noises are completely normal. You will be
provided with headphones that play music during your scan.
2. Remaining still and holding
your breath: When you go in for your MRI scan, you’ll lie down on the table and need to
stay still. The machine moves as you’re positioned to obtain the clearest images. The
technologist may instruct you to hold your breath at specified intervals for a few seconds,
depending on what area of the body they’re scanning.
3. Contrast dye: If the doctor
wants to perform a contrast enhanced MRI, they’ll inject you with a material, called
gadolinium, during your MRI through an IV in your arm. During the scan, this material lights up,
helping doctors better look at your heart, brain, and blood vessels.
If your procedure
requires contrast dye, you might feel some effects when they inject the dye into your IV line,
such as:
A feeling of coldness or flushing sensation
A metallic or salty taste in your
A brief headache
Nausea and vomiting
Typically, these effects last for only
a few moments.
Recovery From an MRI
Once your scan is
complete, the table you’re lying on will slide out of the MRI scanner, and the
technologist will assist you off the table. When getting up from the table, be sure you move
slowly to avoid any lightheadedness or dizziness from lying flat during the exam. The
technologist will remove the IV line they inserted for any contrast administration. Otherwise,
no special recovery care is required after an MRI scan.